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- Action of glucagon-like peptide 1 and glucose levels on corticotropin-releasing factor and vasopressin gene expression in rat hypothalamic 4B cells.
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- Unusual type of growth hormone-producing pituitary tumor in acromegaly.
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- Regulation and roles of urocortins in the vascular system.
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- Differential regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone by corticotropin-releasing factor family peptides in hypothalamic N39 cells.
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- Kageyama K, Akimoto K, Yamagata S, Sugiyama A, Murasawa S, Watanuki Y, Tamasawa N, Suda T.
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- AtT-20細胞におけるソマトスタチン受容体アゴニストSOM230によるACTHの分泌/合成及び細胞増殖抑制効果.
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- Study of the reserve capacity of pancreatectomy patients based on fecal fat excretion and the Benzoyl-L-tyrosyl-[l-13C]alanine breath test.
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- 膵性糖尿病治療におけるインクレチン関連薬の位置づけ.
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